Tag Archive for Susanne Markgren

5 LIS Items on My Holiday Wish List

by Courtney Baron, Head Editor, INALJ Georgia 5 LIS Items on My Holiday Wish List It’s that time of the year! The holidays are approaching. While normally I look forward to having some time off from my insane schedule, for those of us who are job hunting, it can bring increased anxiety and disappointment. I’ve…

Billy Cook …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Billy. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Billy:  The INALJ Jobs list. The position was only…

Susanne Markgren of LISJobs Career Q&A …In Six

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions My interview with Susanne of LISJobs Career Q&A Naomi: What made you interested in starting your online Career Q&A? Susanne: Career Q&A with the Library Career People began as a column in the online newsletter…