Tag Archive for opportunities

SWOT Analysis: A Handy Business Tool for Library Job Seekers

by Veda Darby Soberman, Head Editor, INALJ Hawaii previously published on 10/4/13 & 5/16/14 SWOT Analysis:  A Handy Business Tool for Library Job Seekers Being successful in a job search is not unlike finding success in business. As in business, it is important to know the internal and the external factors which can affect your…

So you’ve been laid off, what now?

by Lauren Bourdages, Head Editor, INALJ Ontario So you’ve been laid off, what now? On February 4 2014 my, now former manager called me into her office at around 11am, it was a Tuesday, so this was normal, we had a regular 1-on-1 scheduled every Tuesday. Because it was normal I wasn’t mentally prepared for what…

Unemployment Opportunities

by Veda Darby Soberman, Head Editor, INALJ Hawaii Unemployment Opportunities Throughout graduate school I also worked full-time (in a non-library setting). I spent many a sleepless night tackling research papers, only to get a few hours of sleep before heading off to a full workday. Time to do anything besides work or schoolwork came in precious little nuggets. I…