Tag Archive for jp pocaro

Top 10 Interviews of 2014

by Naomi House, MLIS Top 10 Interviews of 2014 We interviewed and profiled some amazing people in 2014 and before, and these 10 interviews/profiles were the most widely read in 2014.  Just like a countdown I am listing them from 10 to 1, in reverse order. You can find them all on Twitter with the hashtag #INALJ2014TopInterviews.…

JP Porcaro, MakeItHappenDay and ALATT founder

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Naomi House, MLIS JP Porcaro, MakeItHappenDay and ALATT founder Naomi: How did you come to work for your current position? JP:  I started working in libraries with my first paid position in 1996 when…