Top 10 Alternative Library Borrowing Collections

by Mychal R. Ludwig, Head Editor, INALJ New Mexico

Top 10 Alternative Library Borrowing Collections

MychalLudwigAfter having many a Buzzfeed list thrust upon my Facebook newsfeed, I decided I would respond by creating my own Letterman-style LIS top ten list. So here it is folks, my top ten alternative borrowing collections in libraries (in no particular order):



10. Wide Brimmed Hats
9. Umbrellas
8. Dress Clothing
7. Video Games
6. Children’s Costumes
5. Musical Instruments
4. Tools
3. Computers/Tablets
2. Agricultural Seeds
1. Art Supplies

So there they are; the top ten non-traditional library borrowing collections that I can recall. Feel free, and please add your own additions or comments concerning the above list in the comments.