10 Tips for the First Day

by Ashley Crace, former Head Editor, INALJ West Virginia
previously published 7/5/13

10 Tips for the First Day

ashleycraceYou have searched, applied, and interviewed for a very long time (it definitely feels that way).  Finally, you land a job!  And, your first day is suddenly just around the corner.

The job search can really become a job in itself.  So much so, that it might be difficult to transition to actually starting the job!  By the time you are ready for your first day, you own professional attire (at least from your interview wardrobe), have determined the geographical location (most likely in an interview), and have reviewed the job description (during the application process).  What else can you do to prepare for the first day?  I have compiled a few tips to help make the first day just a little bit easier (and, hopefully the tips will help you sleep better the night before).

  1. Sleep the night before…and before that and before that.  If you have kept yourself on a schedule, this should be easy.
  2. Eat breakfast.  Pack a lunch (even if you opt to go somewhere with co-workers or a supervisor, have a lunch prepared).
  3. Find out where the restrooms are, the water fountains, the break rooms, kitchen, anything else you might need.  Also, find out what to do in an emergency (fire, tornado, etc.)
  4. Remember the names of people you meet (make a cheat sheet if necessary).
  5. Ask questions.  Clarify points that seem confusing.
  6. Do one thing to make your space feel more you (even if it is just leaving a sweater draped over your chair).
  7. Start keeping a calendar (it will fill up quickly).
  8. Say “Thank you!” often.
  9. Make a to-do list for the next day.
  10. Lastly, be confident.  Know that you were hired for a reason and that you can do this.  Good luck!