Alice Kirby …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: Updated daily
Naomi House’s interview with success story Alice.

aliceNaomi: How did you find your current job?
Alice: A little background- I’ve been hunting for library jobs for the past six months, and got a few interviews and callbacks, but nothing panned out.

I have been in touch with the head of the English Department at CHS since I graduated from there in 2004. She called me a few weeks ago asking for my resume because the current sophomore teacher is moving over the summer. I sent in my resume and cover letter, heard back from the principal, and interviewed. Found out I got the job a week later. It isn’t a library job, but I’m thinking of it as becoming the ultimate embedded librarian.

Naomi: Favorite library you have been to?
Alice: I loved the Greenwood Library at Longwood University–my undergraduate alma mater. I worked there for 3 years. It is the least stodgy library I have ever been in. It is a wonderful collaborative environment for students and the staff has done a great job keeping the space current.

Naomi: Favorite book?
Alice: Why must you make me choose? A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith because I read it at least once a year. The librarian in it is HORRIBLE (even though she doesn’t really have more than a page devoted to her). I strive to be everything she’s not.

Naomi: Favorite thing about libraries/ library technology?
Alice: I’m excited about the application of RFID technology. I love living in the future!

Naomi: Any websites or feeds or blogs we should be following?
Alice: I was on the UMD iSchool Listserv, so if your school has one–join it (even though the 10.3 billion emails a day can be annoying, there are gems in there!). I also found another gig on Craigslist, which panned out, but it is always a little sketchy to apply for stuff on there. Be smart. Be safe.

Naomi: Best piece of job hunting advice?
Alice: Most of the jobs I’ve ever had have been through networking. Get out there and talk to people. Make a good impression on your teachers, make friends with other library school kids–we’re all in this together, so we may as well help each other out.
Don’t be afraid to do something a little out of your comfort zone–I’m not trained as an English teacher, but I will be able to apply my research and critical thinking skills in the classroom teach my students the skills they will need to be successful in college and beyond.

 I’m a twenty-something hipsterbraian who graduated with an MLS from UMD in December. I earned my B.A. in English Literature from Longwood University in Farmville, VA (yes, it was town first). Over the summers, I work as a fancy costume seller for an upscale clothing booth at the Maryland Renaissance Faire (can I get a HUZZAH?). I get really excited about microbrews, Mexican food, pork products, and anything involving browned butter.  

I’m a twit on twitter, but I do have an account: @alicevirginia. (Maybe this will encourage me to start tweeting again)


apologies to Alice for posting this a year late!  -Naomi