Daily Archives: September 5, 2014

Sponsored Job Ads now on INALJ

Sponsored Job Ads now on INALJ INALJ will always offer free job ads to anyone wishing to share an LIS related job, but now we will offer Sponsored ads as well!  Why? demand for quick turnaround time from HR professionals who want to advertise with us but don’t want to wait 4 business days for…

Social Media and the Job Search

by Jennifer Devine, Senior Assistant, INALJ Maryland Social Media and the Job Search Today’s internet driven world gives a whole new component to the job search! When applying to a job or if there is an institution that I want to work for there are several actions that I take with social media. One of the first…

Volunteer to Boost Your Career

by Christina Wilson, Senior Assistant, INALJ Alberta and INALJ Manitoba Volunteer to Boost Your Career Although I’ve worked full time in my field as a library and information professional since graduating from library school, I’ve always found time to volunteer as well. While I enjoy contributing to my community, volunteering has helped me gain valuable experience and learning opportunities that were…