Daily Archives: March 8, 2013

LinkedUp to LinkedIn

by Amanda Marie Yetter, Head Editor, INALJ Maryland LinkedUp to LinkedIn Welcome to 2013 where networking is important, but you have to break down the hidden wall of the Internet to get a job interview, deal with Web crawlers before you can be hired, and have to use keywords in context (KWIC) to have your…

Why You Should Attend Conferences

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma Why You Should Attend Conferences As a job searcher and library student, one of the most valuable resources I’ve managed to gain and utilize is conferences. While they can be overwhelming, I think they have helped build my confidence in my job skills and have taught me the…

New Mexico State Librarian Certification

by Mychal Ludwig, Head Editor, INALJ New Mexico New Mexico State Librarian Certification  updated 6/25/13  18-2-8 Certification of librarians.   The state librarian is hereby authorized to issue certificates to librarians. He shall have authority to prescribe and hold examinations, or require submission of credentials to establish the qualifications of those seeking certificates as librarians, and…

Laura Nicole Miller …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Laura. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Laura:  I was fortunate enough to begin my San…